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Why Nurofen?
  • Nurofen’s success is the result of over 30 years of research and development. We are experienced in pain relief, and we are here to help.
  • Nurofen contains Ibuprofen which has anti-inflammatory properties
  • Nurofen (200mg) can be taken with water
  • No.1 branded pain relief1

  • Developed in the UK

The story of ibuprofen starts in 1953, with a team led by a talented young pharmacist named Dr Stewart Adams. It is a story of perseverance, a passion for science, and above all, a desire to improve people’s lives.

The Nurofen Story

1950sIsolating the anti-inflammatory action of aspirin, then trying to improve it

Dr Adams started his research by looking at aspirin, and in particular its anti-inflammatory mode of action. He tested more than 200 salicylate compounds, similar to aspirin, but was unable to deliver a significant improvement. However, he did identify the carboxylic part of the molecule as important for the anti-inflammatory effect.1


  • 1

    Halford G et al. Platelets 2011; 23(6): 415–422.

  • 2

    Similä S et al. Scand J Rheumatol 1976; 5(2): 81–83.

  • 3

    Connelly D. A Brief History of Ibuprofen. Pharm J 2017: 299; 28-29.

  • 4

    Rainsford KD. Ibuprofen: A Critical Bibliographic Review. 1999. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, London

  • 5

    Reckitt Benckiser Archival Assets 2019: 3.1.3 [‘Pharmacy education brochure, Nurofen UK launch, 1983’]

  • 6

    Reckitt Benckiser Archival Assets 2019: 2.2.1. [Dr M Busson speaking at Nurofen launch, 1983]

Experts conclude ibuprofen or paracetamol can be used for treating headache and fever associated with COVID-19. Read the official guidance.